December 9, 2019

Christmas with Cooee Kid’s Ministry

It’s not too late to present a spectacular Christmas lesson to the children in your Kid’s Church.  Here are our latest stories and some old favourites.

Christmas Bells

Children learn a little about the history of bells and how they were used to announce important information. We can be like bells.  We ‘ring out’ the Good News of Jesus!  Make a jingle bell noisemaker for praise and worship.  Learn the Memory Verse while standing on one leg!  Play the game ‘Jingle Bell Toss’.  There’s 3 craft ideas using Christmas bells, so the children can retell the story when they go home.


The Christmas Clock

Create a Christmas storytelling chair using tinsel, decorations and pillows.  Make a large book and read aloud the story of the Christmas Clock.  Laura discovers her Grandma’s Christmas Clock.  But why does Grandma hold onto the old thing?  It doesn’t even work!  Laura learns God is timeless and eternal.  He exists forever without end and has a plan for everyone.  Play Tic Toc pass the parcel to learn the Memory Verse from Galatians 4:4  When the right time came, God sent His Son.  Play Minute to Win It Games.  Make a Christmas Clock for a craft.


Animal Crackers

A play, inspired by jokes found in Christmas Crackers, which uses a Narrator and stick puppets so children do not have to learn lines. I made the puppets using the giant paddle pop sticks as the handles and laminated clip art pictures of each character on top.  (Laminating means the stick puppets will last longer and I’ll have the play ready to use for years to come.)  A crazy play that will crack the kids up, perfect for your program close to Christmas when they are so excited.


Happy Birthday Jesus

Decorate your Kid’s Church space with birthday decorations.  Make and decorate a birthday hat.  Read aloud the Christmas Story from a good quality book with clear, colourful illustrations.  Use a specially prepared gift to show the children what Jesus really wants for His birthday!  Sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and share a Birthday cake at Morning Tea.  Play party games like Musical Chairs, Pass the Parcel, Pin the Tail on the Donkey.


Cooee Kid’s Ministry gives Kid’s Church teachers, leaders and volunteers a reason to celebrate!