Cooee Kid’s Catch-up: 4 New Bible Lessons!
Here are 4 new Bible Lessons for your Kid’s Ministry free to download!
Bible Lesson 1: At the Last Minute
This is the Bible story about the Thief on the Cross from the accounts in Matthew and Luke. It teaches children that they cannot save themselves through good behaviour or good deeds because salvation cannot be earned. It is a gift from God. His grace gives us what we do not deserve; eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ!
Memory Verse: But God shows His great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:8. Teach this Memory Verse by making it into a jigsaw puzzle for children to work out. Make multiple copies for a Memory Verse challenge to see which team can complete the puzzle first.
Minute to Win It Games: 60-second games that use household items to create a challenge to be completed by racing against the clock.
Craft: An Easter Clock using a copyright-free image.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 2: Blind Bartimaeus
I have combined Matthew, Mark and Luke’s accounts of this Bible story, although only the account in the Book of Mark specifically names a blind man as Bartimaeus. The fact remains that Jesus healed two blind men proving that He was the Son of God, the Messiah, with the power to heal, and they chose to follow Him!
Memory Verse: For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7. Use cardboard footprints on the floor, each with a word of the verse on it, for the children to step onto and recite as they go.
Games: 4 Stop and Start Games to play. Spot On and Connect. Freeze Tag. Costume & Props Stop, and Sing and Stop.
Craft: Steps to Jesus. Use the royalty-free illustration of footprints to use as templates in creating colourful shoes.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 3: No Room for Doubt!
This is the story of Jairus and his daughter. It teaches what doubt is and what damage it can do. Children will learn to identify doubt and learn to trust Jesus. He will never let them down!
Sketch: Two friends visit a Thai restaurant where one of the friends orders the hottest meal on the menu: Tom Yum! Despite his friend, and the waiter telling him not to eat it, the one friend doubts how hot the meal is, and doubts all their warnings, with hilarious results.
Memory Verse: Therefore, I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you. Mark 11:24. Play a game of charades to work out the Memory Verse.
Game: A Trust Walk. A blindfolded child is led around by a child using verbal instructions.
Craft: Jairus’s Daughter & Jesus 3D Picture
This craft is supplied free to use by Didier from My Little House:
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 4: Something Fishy!
This lesson is the account of Jesus calling His first disciples. But what does it mean to be a ‘fisher of men’? All is explained including the Parable of the Dragnet.
Memory Verse: And He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of people.’ Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. Matthew 4:19
Of course, this is the perfect Scripture for that favourite game of ‘fishing’ for the Memory Verse!
Game: Sharks and Minnows
Craft: A Net Full of Fish made using a paper plate, cardboard fish and some netting.
Download the free lesson here:
Now, you’re caught up on all the latest releases from Cooee Kid’s Ministry. I trust you will be greatly blessed as you use them in your Kid’s Ministry.