August 12, 2021

Get On Board – Seaside Stories for Your Kid’s Ministry

‘Are you going to the wreck this arvo?’ I heard my new classmates ask each other.  The answer was inevitably yes.  Imagine my excitement.  An afterschool meeting place inside a wrecked ship?  I was trying to think of a way I could go if I was invited along.  Unfortunately, I had to catch a bus straight after school.  The bus would take me to the jetty where I would catch a ferry that would carry me across to the island my family had recently moved to.

Imagine my disappointment when the ‘wreck’ turned out to be the ‘rec’ as in recreation.  My classmates were not meeting in an old ship but rather at the local recreation centre where there were squash courts and a pool.  A pool is great in its own way but does not compare to a shipwreck as a club house!  I laugh about it now.  As if living on a sub-tropical island wasn’t enough.

It’s amazing how God takes our past and our experiences and uses them for His plans and purposes.  I’ve written many stories, and Bible lessons, using a nautical theme influenced by that time in my childhood.

The Twins at Sunshine Cove

Twins Jesse and Erin spend school holidays with their Grandma who manages the Sunshine Cove Post Office.  The seaside town is a place of adventure, especially when Grandma tells Jesse and Erin about Daniel.  They learn important life lessons as they comb the beach, visit caves and make a delivery to the mysterious Captain who lives in the lighthouse.



A lesson that challenges children to follow Jesus and shine like a lighthouse.  They are encouraged to keep shining so other kids can see their light and be saved.  It also invites them to be baptized, sending out the message for everyone to see…they have decided to follow Jesus!  Find the Memory Verse (John 8:12) using a flashlight scavenger hunt.  Play a game of Red Light, Green Light and make a Plastic Cup Lighthouse for a craft.


Captain of Our Salvation

Any naval officer who commands a ship is addressed as ‘Captain’ while aboard regardless of their actual rank.  The Captain is in command.  Jesus is called the Captain of our Salvation.  He wants us to trust Him.  He will not abandon us!  This lesson includes the Bible Story, Jesus Calms the Storm, a ‘bailing’ relay to find the Memory Verse from John 16:33, a game of Captain’s Coming, and a craft making a rope pencil holder.



In the ancient world an anchor was used as a picture of hope.  ‘…we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.’  Hebrews 6:19.  This lesson incorporates the Bible story of God’s Promise to Abraham, a Memory Verse from Psalm 25:5 (the words which need to be found when blindfolded!) a game of Tug-O-War, and paper plate sailboat for craft.


I pray these stories and lessons will be a blessing to you and the children in your care.

Bon Voyage!

Deb Wassenberg