October 6, 2021

Growing Up – 10 Bible Lessons to Help Kid’s Grow Spiritually

I remember the moment I realised I had grown up.  I was sitting on the bus heading home from the city where I worked as a girl Friday.  I’d left school earlier than my friends and missed them so I was excited when three of them climbed onto the bus.

I tried to catch their attention but they were intent on getting to the back of the bus.  One friend tripped over a lady’s bag.

‘Sorry,’ she giggled and then added ‘or whatever!’

Proving she wasn’t sorry at all.  The three laughed loudly and tripped their way cheerfully down the aisle. Now I didn’t want them to see me.  And that’s the moment when I realised I had grown up.  There was a gulf between my school friends and me.  A rift created by responsibility.  They were still school girls while I had entered the real world.

Although the realisation shocked me, in a matter of months my friends would leave their school girl ways behind, and catch me up.  Because growing up is something we all have to do.

It’s the same for our spiritual growth.  We begin as Christian baby’s but must grow up in God.  Ensuring kids grow spiritually is something Kid’s Church teachers do in partnership with parents, but teaching kids the same Bible stories over and over every year with no deeper spiritual truths to make them relevant to their lives will stunt their spiritual growth.

“An unfortunate result of this repetitiveness is that teachers lose their freshness and send a message to students that the Bible has a limited array of lessons to convey.  We found that students are likely to feel that they are not learning anything new, leading to the impression that they already know everything of value there is to know about the Christian faith.”      Barna, G. (2003).  Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions.  California:  Regal Books/Gospel Light

10 Bible Lessons to Help Kids Grow Spiritually:

Don’t Be a Baby

A lesson that shows children the difference between a baby Christian and a mature Christian and it doesn’t always have to do with age!

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Dont-Be-a-Baby.pdf

Wash the Dishes

Children learn they are vessels, hollow containers made to be filled with God, so they can be used by Him.

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Wash-the-Dishes.pdf

A Prickly Problem

Children learn how to ‘walk carefully’ and how to apply the Bible to their lives.

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/A-Prickly-Problem.pdf

Huff Fever

A lesson to teach children to keep their focus on Jesus instead of ‘getting in a huff’!

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Huff-Fever.pdf

You’re Not the Judge

Children learn to ‘bear with each other, and forgive each other’, as they leave judgement to God!

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Youre-Not-the-Judge.pdf

Sting Goes

Children learn about Christians being persecuted, and even martyred, for Jesus.

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Sting-Goes.pdf


Children learn about suffering and how to pray to leave all hurt, bad words and fear at the Cross.

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Eureka.pdf

The God of All Comfort

God comforts those who experience loss, pain and grief in their lives so we can comfort others.

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/The-God-of-All-Comfort.pdf

Plugged In

Children learn that whenever they are in need they only have to ‘plug in’ with prayer.  But it must be from the heart!

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Plugged-In.pdf

Wattle You Do?

Children learn that just because they’re a Christian it doesn’t mean nothing bad will ever happen to them, but that Jesus is with them!

Visit:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Wattle-You-Do.pdf

I trust these lessons will help you deliver stories that will make children delve deeper into the Bible and grow up spiritually.

God bless you,

Deb Wassenberg