May 1, 2024

Heaven is a Wonderful Place!

I’ve abandoned the blog I was scheduled to write this week.  My mother-in-law passed away on Monday.  The family have chosen to hold a Memorial Service to celebrate Mum’s 97 years here on Earth because of our sure knowledge that she is now in heaven with her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

But there’s no denying everyone is going through a grieving process.  My grandchildren have been affected because Oma is the first person they knew who has died.  They have asked a lot of questions.  So I have decided to post a collection of Bible Lessons I’ve written over the years about death and Heaven in hopes that it will help you and the children in your life when inevitably someone they know dies.

Heaven:  What an exciting place and how to get there!

This lesson explains Heaven as God’s dwelling place where His throne is established and where His kingdom rules over all.  There will be angels there.  It explains what will be in Heaven and importantly some things that will NOT be there such as tears and pain.  It tells children what they will do in Heaven and what is expected from them now on Earth.  They will also learn about the Book of Life.  The Memory Verse is Colossians 3:2 ‘Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.  There’s an outdoor game of ‘500’ and a mansion to design and decorate as a craft.

You’ll find the lesson here:

Questioning God:  The Story of Job

This lesson focuses on aspects of Job’s experience concerning his questioning God and God’s questioning him.  It begins with a questioning game of Would You Rather?   The lesson ministers to the children by explaining it’s okay to ask God questions but there are some things they should never question, like His love for them.  There are ideas for the Memory Verse in the form of a puzzle with questions to answer.  Play a game of Red Rover, and at craft time create a clothes peg animal from the story of Job, a horse, goat or donkey. 

You’ll find the lesson here:

Sting Goes:  The Stoning of Stephen

When we focus on forever with Jesus temporary suffering holds no fear.  The program begins with the children painting pegs yellow, part one of a mystery craft.  (A bee theme is used throughout the program because of the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:55&56, O death, where is your sting?  O grave where is your victory?’)  Pegs are set aside to dry while the lesson continues with the Bible story about the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr.  Children learn that although someone they know will die, they will feel sad, but there is no sting!  Although the person has left Earth, like Stephen, they have gone to be with Jesus in Heaven.  Honeycomb hexagons teach the Memory Verse in a team relay and assembly to reveal the verse from 2 Corinthians 4:14 ‘…because we know that the One who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus…’  For morning tea there are honey sandwiches, honey joys or honey jumbles to enjoy!  You’ll find three busy bee games to play and the Honey Bee craft is completed using the yellow pegs painted at the beginning of the program.

You’ll find the lesson here:

Eureka!  A Play about Suffering and Loss 

In the Australian gold fields, meet a father and son team Jacko and Sonny, prospectors searching for the find of their lives.  When they find a nugget, it doesn’t look much to Sonny but his Dad explains the refining process.  The play includes teaching that helps children cope with grief.  Children find the Memory Verse written on gold paper nuggets.  It’s from 1 Peter 1:7 ‘But the purity of your faith will bring you praise and glory and honour when Jesus Christ is shown to you.’  Play a game of Nab the Nugget and decorate biscuits or cupcakes with icing and gold sprinkles.

You’ll find the lesson here:

As my family navigates the loss of an amazing matriarch it’s been helpful for me to look back over these lessons and read of the surety we have in eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!  I pray you and your children will be helped by them, too.