Keep Safe and Carry On
No doubt there’s been changes in how you are running your Kid’s Ministry during the current pandemic. Many children’s programs have gone online to keep their kids confident in their relationship with Jesus and His unfailing love and care. It’s also an effective way to keep them connected to their Kid’s Church leaders and Church community.
I’ve been posting new lessons on the Cooee Kid’s Ministry website and I’m so happy they continue to be downloaded for use in Kid’s Churches or homes. Cooee Kid’s Ministry will carry on helping Kid’s Ministry leaders, volunteers and families, by providing Jesus centred Bible lessons that build children up in faith.
October 2020 New Releases
Mega influencers with more than a million followers can demand up to one million dollars per post! Joyce Myer likes to say, ‘We are everything nothings’. In other words, we are everything in Christ Jesus, and nothing without Him. Paul, who was a Pharisee, came to this conclusion in Philippians 3:1-9. And that’s how, in a rather roundabout way, I came to write this lesson about Jesus healing the man with the withered hand. Jesus is the biggest influencer the world has ever known with more followers than anyone can count! Celebrate Him with a Jesus Call. Finger spell the Memory Verse and play a game of Red Light, Green Light. Craft this week is a chain of Paper People to decorate.
Every Day Armour Lesson I: Who Is Saul?
After thinking about and researching this topic for a year, I finally felt the go ahead to begin writing this new series on the Armour of God. It was important to start with Paul and how he came to write about the armour. I made up my mind it was not going to be medieval armour worn by knights or that worn by superheroes. I wanted the armour to be the kind Paul saw all around him in Rome and its territories. So this lesson begins with tour guides telling the children about the Roman Forum and setting the scene for Paul’s (Saul’s) entrance. Ministry to the Children talks about repentance, and how when you give your life to Jesus you really turn around, just as Saul did! Quick March the Memory Verse and have a Sword Drill so the children become familiar with their weapon…the Bible! Set up a Pizzeria for Morning Tea. Play a game of Tame Lion followed by a pizza craft you can use to decorate the walls of your pizza restaurant.
Light Night
A lesson I felt compelled to write prior to Halloween – an alternative program for Church or home to counteract it. It invites children to be A Shining Example, encouraging them to make right choices and not do anything that will ‘take the shine off’ their light! The lesson contains origins of some of the customs of Halloween. There’s the return of apprentice electrician, Bonnie Blewitt, who helps out with the Memory Verse. Two crafts ideas are provided, a Cardboard Tube Candle for young children and a Tea Light Votive for older ones.
Armour of God II: Paul in Chains
Back into the series with a lesson about Saul and when he first used his Roman name of Paul. It was not when he was converted! Children learn about people who are persecuted for their belief in Jesus. To introduce the lesson, they meet the character Adger, an escaped British slave who knows a lot about Roman prisons and roads which he was forced to build. Play a game of ‘Grab the Keys’ and make a mosaic for craft.
Four new lessons for your Kid’s Ministry. Even though you are doing things differently at the moment, there’s always a need to teach children about how wonderful Jesus is and all that He has done, and will continue to do, for them!
God bless you as you continue to serve the children the Lord has placed in your care.
Deborah Wassenberg