December 20, 2021

Listen Up! 3 New Christmas Lessons for Your Kid’s Ministry

We taught our children the importance of being thankful for any gift they were given at Christmas.  They would never say, ‘I already have this!’  Or turn their noses up at a present that might be for a younger child or a cheap copy of a major brand.  Because the real gift given was someone’s time, money and thoughtfulness.

When it came to Christmas gifts from us we were able to give them what they longed for because we were in the best place to listen.   I’d overhear a comment or discussion about a toy, clothes or game, and make a note of it.  Of course I’d ask outright, too.  When it came time to shop I had compiled a pretty good list to work from.  Listening was key.

Some years ago I was working on a Christmas series for a large Kid’s Church.  Re-reading the Christmas story in my Bible, I realised how much ‘listening’ was involved.  God spoke through angel messengers, dreams, a sign and a prophetic word and people not only listened to what He said, they acted on it!  That’s how the series ‘Listen Up…It’s Christmas!’ came about.

With this Christmas approaching (it is coming around quicker isn’t it?) I was thinking about a new Christmas story to post on the Cooee Kid’s Ministry website.  I’m working on having plenty of resources available at Christmas because this time of year provides such a wonderful opportunity for outreach.  I clicked on a file and re-read the old series and enjoyed it.  But don’t worry I haven’t just re-gifted it!  I’ve added a fun sketch about a game show, ‘Name That Sound!’ and listening activities to start your program.  Every game and Memory Verse requires good listening and I’ve suggested some typical Christmas crafts but kids will need to listen to your instructions!

The wonderful thing about the series is that children learn that God speaks all the time!   He longs to be have a relationship with them and to be their Heavenly Father…that’s why He sent Jesus!

Listen Up…It’s Christmas

Listen Up…It’s Christmas Part 1:

Listen Up…It’s Christmas Part 2:

Listen Up…It’s Christmas Part 3:

Listen, I pray that Cooee Kid’s Ministry will help your Kid’s Ministry thrive, not only at Christmas, but throughout the coming year.  It is an absolute honour to provide lessons for your children, even if you only use bits and pieces, to assist in resourcing your vital ministry.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

Deb Wassenberg