October 30, 2024

Suffering Church Action and Awareness Week

From the 27 October to 3 November is Suffering Church Action and Awareness Week.  This week provides organisations with an opportunity to highlight the plight of persecuted and suffering Christians so the Church will remember them spiritually and financially. 

‘Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters…

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together

with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you

yourselves were suffering.’  (Hebrews 13:1 & 3)

Our family supports Barnabas Aid and receives its magazine, which is sobering reading. Through the magazine, I learned of China’s crackdown on Christian media accounts and social media platforms and the blocking of Christian search terms such as ‘Christ’, ‘Bible’, and ‘Gospel’.  That information was the reason for writing two new lessons encouraging children to read their Bibles. 

Our Miraculous Bible!

This lesson focuses on why the Bible is so important and how God inspired men like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther and William Tyndale to translate His Word so it could become available to all people.  The Bible is the most translated book in the world! 

The lesson recommends 5 songs available on YouTube that teach your children the 66 Books of the Bible. It lists just some of the Bible’s benefits and explains why Satan tries to stop people from reading it. 

Children learn the Memory Verse through playing charades and there’s a Bible Character Scavenger Hunt to use as a game.  Make a Bible bookmark at craft time.  The bookmark reads, ‘Between the pages of my Bible is a miraculous place to be!’

You’ll find the lesson here:https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Our-Miraculous-Bible2.pdf

God’s Word is a Lamp!

Children learn that God’s Word shines a light so they will know the next step to take.  It is based on Psalm 119:105.  ‘Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.’  And the children can learn the verse as a song! 

A game of Jailbreak reminds the children how Jesus rescued them from the devil’s trap of sin and darkness.  And of course, you know you must make a paper lantern at craft time! 

I pray that these two lessons impress children with the importance of the Bible so they will not neglect it.  Many persecuted Christians wait for years to hold a Bible in their hands.  How blessed are we and our children that we can own a Bible and read it without fear!

You’ll find the lesson here:  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Gods-Word-is-a-Lamp.pdf

For more about Barnabas Aid go to:  baranabasaid.org