Why All the Drama? Using Drama in Your Kid’s Ministry
I was introduced to drama in Children’s Ministry in the West End. West End Brisbane not West End London. In the 1970’s Christian Outreach Centre had a huge kid’s ministry with children being bussed in from surrounding suburbs. The Bible College students made up a large number of the volunteers in the Children’s Church program. They dressed up as characters to teach a Memory Verse or to act out a Bible story. When a Fun Day was held (a new concept back then and integrated into the program every 6 to 8 weeks) they would arrive in costume to suit the theme of the morning, for example cowhands for a Country and Western Day. The use of drama made Children’s Church so memorable and enjoyable I still remember it with fondness all these years later. I couldn’t run a Kid’s church program without using drama in some way!
What is Drama?
Drama is the act of using the imagination to become someone or something other than yourself. It can take you to any place and any period of time and is only limited by the imagination.
I use a lot of comedy, some would say melodrama, in kid’s ministry. Many of the lessons I write include sketches, because I believe drama is a dynamic way to keep children engaged.
Bible Lessons Using Drama
God is the Potter:https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/God-is-the-Potter.pdf
Don’t Be a Baby:https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Dont-Be-a-Baby.pdf
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector:https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Pharisee-and-the-Tax-Collector.pdf
Super Sundays (formally known as Fun Days) using Drama
God’s Meeting Placehttps://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Gods-Meeting-Place.pdf
Special Occasions
Mother’s Day Lesson: Mum on a Missionhttps://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Mum-on-a-Mission-5.pdf
Now that Cooee Kid’s Ministry has its own You Tube channel, I am acting out sketches and portraying characters. It’s been years since I did any amateur acting but I’m enjoying myself immensely.
You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU52uTYtb9c
Why Use Drama in Your Kid’s Ministry?
- Drama is a tool for learning, accommodating children’s different learning styles.
- It communicates, improves understanding, and makes learning exciting.
- Drama helps you reach children who you may not otherwise reach while challenging those children who have already grasped Bible concepts.
- Drama gives volunteers and leaders an active role in teaching and creates teamwork.
- Drama can simulate real life and help children formulate Biblical opinions.
- Drama is particularly effective in making historical events come to life.
- Drama can be adapted to suit any subject.
- Drama synthesizes what children already know with new information (a brain is not a retrieval system for filing cabinets as once supposed, but a complex system making connections!)
- Only orally lecturing children will fatigue children’s brains because the brain is like a muscle that needs rest to stay responsive (just as a weightlifter in tip top condition still needs to rest muscles).
- Drama makes your lessons more active, engaging and meaningful, bringing emotion and learning together
- Drama is fun!
So, why not try some drama in your Kid’s Ministry program? Keep the drama in front of the kids (instead of them creating their own in their seats) because they’re so engaged with your teaching. Who knows? You might make Kid’s Church so memorable for them they could grow up to run their own Kid’s Church one day!