May 2, 2019

10 Things to Ask Yourself Before Craft

Craft has so many positive benefits when it’s included in your Kid’s Church program.  But there are negatives for the unprepared.  As leaders we are responsible for the well being of the children we have been entrusted with…

Here’s a safety checklist for you to tick off.

  1. Is your equipment age appropriate? (E.g. scissors, and furniture the correct size)
  2. Are your materials non-toxic?
  3. Do you have enough helpers?
  4. Can you divide into smaller age groups and provide pre-cut craft for the youngest children?
  5. Are your materials in original packaging so you can see the ingredients and safety information? (E.g. paint & glue)
  6. Do you have a way for children and leaders to wash their hands? (Hand wipes or supervised buckets of warm soapy water and paper towel if you have no sink)
  7. Have you somewhere for the finished craft to sit and dry?
  8. Do you separate the eating and drinking areas from the craft tables?
  9. Are all the surfaces clean after craft?
  10. If you are using glitter have you set up a glitter station?

What is a glitter station?

Children love using glitter, but it needs to be kept under control.

  • Put down a drop cloth
  • You will need two tables: one for gluing and one for glitter
  • Place the tables on top of the drop cloth and cover with disposable tablecloths or thick layers of newspaper (you don’t want the newspaper to stick to the table!)
  • Place a large tray on top of the glitter table
  • Assign two leaders to STAY at the Glitter Station and supervise
  • Supply hand wipes or soapy water and paper towel
  • Ask the children to shake the glitter onto their craft holding it over the tray.  Children still get to choose their glitter and apply it themselves, but the glitter is kept to one place…almost!
  • Left over glitter can be funneled into a container for reuse
  • Vacuum or sweep the floor after clean up

Working Bee

Old glue and paint stuck to chairs and tables looks awful.  If your Church has a working bee a few times a year make sure you get some helpers to scrub furniture.  Do a stock take of the craft cupboard.  Throw out broken equipment and be discriminating about scraps and craft leftovers you choose to keep.

Follow the checklist.  Keep your Kid’s Ministry area clean, neat and tidy.   The children in your care, their families, and your volunteers will be safe and able to enjoy craft and all it’s benefits.  (If you’re not sure about the benefits read 7 Reasons to Include Craft in You Kid’s Program by clicking on the link below!)