How to Read Aloud to the Kid’s in Children’s Church Using These 3 Steps
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge believer in visual aids. But every now and again I want to share a story that has no visuals to go with it. Usually it’s the biography of a Christian pioneer or missionary whose story is in a chapter book. I may find a few images through an internet search but they are usually copyright. Should I not use the story and find something else? Sometimes. But I’ve found 3 tips that allow me to read aloud to the kid’s in my Children’s Church in a way that keeps them focused and makes the stories irresistible.
It is possible to read aloud to all ages of kid’s in your Children’s Church if you follow these steps…
Step 1. Create an Engaging Environment
I always have a storytelling chair. It’s not any old chair. And not just anyone can sit on it. It’s special. Sometimes decorated in flowers or tinsel. Sometimes layered with throws and cushions or a beach towels. It depends on the story and the season. But when that chair appears the children know it’s time for a special story. I seat the children cross-legged on rugs on the floor and bring them closer than normal, so I can see their reactions and watch behaviour. Volunteers sit amongst or beside the children to deal with any distractions. I like to lead in with a question to pique the children’s interest.
Step 2. Know Your Story
You can’t memorize the whole chapter book but you do have to know it. Fluency is important. This is the one time I mark a book! I box the text I want to read and put a line through parts I don’t. If there are multiple characters, I highlight dialogue using different colours, so I know at a glance which voice to use. I make notes in the margins. Usually it’s the definition of a word the children may not be familiar with, especially if it is an historical story, just in case someone asks. I do like to keep questions for afterwards, so the flow of the story is not broken, but sometimes children need something clarified so they understand.
Step 3. Be Amazing!
Use everything you’ve got to keep the children listening. You want to invite them to become part of the story. Facial expressions, gestures, sound effects, changes in voice and pitch are all vital to the success of your reading aloud. Don’t read in a monotone unless a story character speaks that way. Remember to look up from the page to make eye contact.
Energize your reading using these 3 steps and you will not only love reading aloud to the kid’s in your Children’s Church, they will enjoy it, too!
Use these Story Reading techniques for Bible Lessons Crucial Kids 1 and Crucial Kids 2