May 3, 2021

Which Curriculum Should I Use for My Kid’s Church?

Curriculum is the content you plan to teach the children entrusted to you.  It may be up to you to choose which curriculum is suitable for your class or the entire Children’s Ministry.  It’s a big responsibility.  Do you purchase formal curriculum from professional curriculum publishers, or create your own?

Which Path Do You Choose?

Published Curriculum

  • Written by experts in characteristics of the age group they write for
  • Up to date in methodology (new techniques and teaching technologies)
  • Provide a wide range of materials from manuals, visual aids and songs to warm up activities and time fillers
  • Have a master plan of lessons taught over the years so children don’t miss important teaching
  • May be expensive although becoming more and more affordable now through use of downloads

Develop Your Own Curriculum

  • Because your approach to spiritual development is not in standardized published curriculum
  • Can be reviewed any time
  • Can be integrated into the ministry focus of the church
  • Current world events can be tied into Biblical teaching
  • Focus is on central principles of a Bible story and on personal application in the lives of your children
  • It’s inexpensive
  • It’s customized to your children
  • It’s customized to your culture and geography (seasons and holidays)
  • Easier for mixed age groups
  • Can be time consuming

Whichever path you choose ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is the Bible content accurate?
  2. Is there opportunity to focus using the Word?  (Reading from the Bible)
  3. Does it have a useful purpose?
  4. Will it empower the children?
  5. Will it capitalize on their interests and draw their attention?
  6. Will it extend on what they already know?
  7. Will it provide time for sharing and response?
  8. Will it help children learn no matter their learning style?
  9. Do you have time to create a curriculum?
  10. Do you have the ability to convey your aims with your volunteers so you’re all on the same page?

Creative Bible teachers use curriculum as a teaching tool not as a task master.  (Lawrence O Richards, Creative Bible Teaching)