May 2, 2021

3 Amazing Mother’s Day Lessons for your Children’s Church!

God knows how amazing Mums are and He commands children to honour them.

‘Honour your father and  your mother.’  (Exodus 20:12)

‘Honour your father and mother (this is the first commandment with a promise) that it will go well with you that you may live long in the land.’  (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Your Children’s Church is perfectly placed to teach children why they need to prize and honour Mothers (or other significant women) in their lives.

Here are 3 amazing lessons you can choose from:

Mum on a Mission

The story of the ‘Widows Oil’ told by the two boys who were about to become slaves to pay off their father’s debt.  Their Mum went on a mission to save them by visiting the prophet Elisha and by putting her faith in God.  Their Mum’s mission had miraculous results!

There’s a Breakfast in Bed Relay game to collect the words of the Memory Verse.

Play a game of ‘Mother Says’, and for Craft make Mum a beautiful teapot card with a teabag she can use to enjoy a relaxing cuppa.



Mum has a Plan

The story of ‘Moses in the Bulrushes’.  All Mum’s are full of plans.  A plan to get jobs done, a plan for holidays and a plan for presents.  The biggest plans Mums make are for their kids!  Jochebed had a very important plan.  A plan to save her baby son, Moses.   God has even bigger plans for every child because He saw them before they were born and He knows their future!

Use a skipping rope to make a river for children to cross to retrieve words of the Memory Verse.  At game time have a Wheelbarrow Race and for craft make Mum a beautiful Paper Cup Basket to hold something yummy.  You might like to try the outdoor weaving activity, too.



A Mum Makes Room for a Miracle

The story of ‘A Son for a Barren Woman’.  A woman makes room for the prophet Elisha and by making room for the man of God, she makes room for a miracle in her life.  Mums make room for God in their children’s lives, too.  When they say grace, pray with them and take them to Kid’s Church.  And a Mum knows the biggest miracle of all is when their child makes room in their heart for Jesus!

A ‘crazy’ Mum visits Kid’s Church to put the children in the right order to work out the Memory Verse.  There’s a game of Object Freeze Tag to play and a Mother’s Day card to make.
