Cooee Kid’s Catch-Up #2!
Time for another catch-up so if you missed any of the latest Bible Lessons on the Cooee Kid’s website here they are! Follow the links to download them for free.
Bible Lesson 1: Twist!
This lesson is a light introduction to a danger that all believers face: false teachers. It’s important to inform children about the existence of false teachers because forewarned is forearmed. This lesson also teaches children to seek the scriptures so they will recognise a lie and do fact-checking for themselves. The lesson is from Paul’s warnings to the Jewish believers in Asia Minor about false teachers and Paul and Silas’ meeting with the Bereans.
Warm-Up Activity: Play a game of twister.
Memory Verse: Since you were a child you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 Children do a hula hoop twist and find a word from the Memory Verse.
Game: Twist and turn in a game of dodgeball.
Morning Tea: twisty snacks like liquorice, barley sugar or Twisties
Craft: Twist pipe cleaners to create rings, people, flowers or animals.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 2: Just Say the Word!
This Bible lesson demonstrates the love of Jesus for everyone, even a soldier belonging to an army that is oppressing the Jewish people! A Gentile Roman Centurion has faith in Jesus’ words and authority, and his faith amazes the Lord. The lesson is taken from Luke 7:1-10 and children will learn that Jesus has given them His authority to pray for people.
Warm-up Activities: Centurion Says (Simon Says) and Follow the Leader
Memory Verse: And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. James 5:15. It’s time for a Chariot Race Relay to recover words of the Memory Verse.
Games: Military Tactics (Centurion’s Coming!)
Craft: Suggestions for mosaics or a centurion’s helmet.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 3: Giving from the Heart!
This is the Bible story about Ananias and Sapphira which may seem like harsh teaching for children to hear but this Bible lesson explains why their deceit could not be tolerated and the importance of giving with a happy heart, not a grudging one.
Memory Verse: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 Create your own Kid’s Church currency (or use toy money) and hide it around the room for the children to find.
Morning Tea: Break bread together like the early Church. Maybe pizza to tie in with the craft?
Game: Grocery Bag Bite…go ahead and check it out, it’s fun!
Craft: Make a paper plate pizza.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 4: The Name of Jesus!
What’s in a name? Everything when it is the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! This lesson explains the power of the name and person of Jesus and the enormous benefits children have when they belong to Him and use His name. The Bible Lesson is about the healing of the beggar who was unable to walk which is found in Acts 3:1-26.
Warm-up Activity: The story of my name. Design and decorate name tags and ask the children the history of their names.
Memory Verse: ‘For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Romans 10:13 Learn the verse by heart using actions.
Games: Elbow Tag with names and Red Rover, Come Over
Craft: Make a name bracelet.
Download the free lesson here:
Bible Lesson 5: A New Commandment!
This lesson begins with a review of The Ten Commandments. You’ll find a quick learn lesson named ‘The Ten Commandments’ with visual aids on the website here:
However, it is optional. Then the lesson continues with Jesus washing His Disciple’s feet.
Memory Verse: A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you so you must love one another. John 13:34 Run a relay race to grab a heart shape with a word of the Memory Verse on it.
Games: Catch My Heart, a bean bag catch and throw game.
Craft: Footprint love heart card.
Download the free lesson here:
So, now you are caught up on all of Cooee Kid’s Ministry’s latest lessons. Be blessed!