The Bible: Hold it in Your Heart & Hands!
Opinion Piece
I’ve thought long and hard about this. I am of the generation that thought electric typewriters (do remember the golf ball?) were whizz-bang technology. When I was learning to type in my high school business class, a reward for effort was time on one of the three electric typewriters at the back of the classroom. So, I’ve always known I may lean on the traditional side when it comes to the necessity of physical Bibles in Kid’s Church because of my age and not having a firm grasp on all things IT.
I’ve wanted to write lessons about the Books of the Bible. About the 66 books it’s made up of and their order. I’ve wanted to share a song about the 66 Books of the Bible so children could hum through the tune when they need to find Amos or Obadiah. But I thought I was probably being old-fashioned and out of touch. Everything is an App these days. The Bible is on your phone for you to read at the press of an icon. However, I heard something recently that made up my mind once and for all. I believe printed, physical Bibles in our Churches and Kid’s Churches are vital!
Stop Press
Roald Dahl was a British author of children’s literature. Think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda. He was born in 1916 and died in 1990. He was controversial (anti-Semitic) and I’m not a fan of all of his works. In February 2023, his publishers decided to change the wording in some of his books and every electronic version was changed overnight. The publishers own the content. eBook readers only license it. After much criticism, the publisher has agreed to print classic versions of the books but the eBooks will remain altered. This news shocked me. I did not realise words in a book you own electronically could be changed without your knowledge. It seems to me the old-fashioned print Bible is more important than ever!
Ways to Use Your Bible in Kid’s Church
- Sing it! Find a version of memorizing the 66 Books of the Bible that you like and teach it to your kids. Sing Scripture songs with actions.
- Reference it! Read from the Bible when you are teaching. Put the reference on the big screen so the children can look it up. Break into small groups for Bible study.
- Reward it! Reward children when they bring a Bible from home. Give a Bible to new Christians. Keep a library of physical Bibles in your Kid’s Church room.
- Play with it! Sword Drills are great fun for kids who have no difficulty in reading.
Sword Drill commands:
‘Attention’-heels together, shoulders up, hands at side, face the leader
‘Draw Swords’-Bring Bible to your waistline immediately in front of the body. Hands must be placed on the front and back covers of the Bible.
‘Assignment’ (or ‘Hear the Order of the Day’) – Announce the Scripture to look up. ‘Charge’- is your command for children to begin searching for the Scripture and timing begins.
‘Time’ – The timekeeper will call time after 20 seconds. When time is called searching stops. The Scripture is read aloud.
- Memorize it! Teach a Memory Verse every week.
Memory Verses
I know teaching children a Memory Verse every week can feel tedious. It can take more preparation than your Bible lesson! But I’ve always included a Memory Verse (and importantly, how to teach it) in my Bible lessons.
Here’s why: (there are way more Scriptures I could reference but here are a few)
- The Bible talks about Scripture (Psalm 119:11; Colossians 3:16; Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Matthew 4:4; Hebrews 4:12)
- Jesus memorized Scripture (Matthew 4:1-11)
- God’s Word is our weapon and teaches (Ephesians 6:13-17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- Scripture helps kids help others (Proverbs 15:23; 2 Timothy 3:15-17)
- Scripture memorizing brings blessing and wisdom (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3)
Memory Verses Have Broken Out of Kid’s Church!
Have you noticed the number of Churches and Christian organisations promoting the memorization of Scripture? Memory Verses are not only for the Kid’s Church department anymore. The Vision Radio ‘Treasury Project’ cites seven benefits of Scripture memorisation:
- Clearer thoughts
- Steadier nerves
- Healthier emotions
- Purer habits
- Happier homes
- Greater respect
- Eternal optimism
Now that’s reading that positively impacts you! Check out Vison’s Treasury Project here:
The Importance of the Bible
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time with anywhere between five and seven billion copies in print! It contains history, law, poetry, stories, philosophy and personal letters.
But it’s God’s Word to us. It’s the source material for us to know Him, and how to live our lives as Christians. All scripture is God-breathed which means it is inspired by God and that makes it unique. Most significantly the Bible reveals our separation from God because of our sin and God’s provision for redemption, and restoration of fellowship through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the Cross. We need to read it, use it in prayer and learn it by heart. We need to keep physical Bibles in our Kid’s Churches, Churches and homes because we don’t know what the future will bring.