Cooee Kid’s Catch Up #4
I’ll begin with the latest Christmas lessons because that’s probably what you’ll be searching for at this time of year!
You Better Believe It!
Children continually hear the word ‘believe,’ but what does the word mean exactly? This lesson explains it through the lives of Zechariah and Mary. It also includes actions to help children remember what believing in God means. (To trust in, rely on, cling to…I don’t think they’ll ever forget!) They also learn that they must believe in Jesus to become children of God. (John 1:12) The Memory Verse is from John 20:31 ‘But these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.’ They play a ‘message game’ to assemble it. They play a game of Angel Ball and make their own ‘Believe Baubles’ using the black and white activity sheet included.
Find ‘You Better Believe It’ here:
The Christmas Patchwork Quilt
Here’s a lesson not often found in Kid’s Church curriculum! It explains what the Bible means when talking about ‘the remnant’ and tying it to remnants of fabric used to make a patchwork quilt for Christmas. (This lesson would also make a great ladies’ meeting devotional.) The lesson begins with a skit. The scene is Mrs Snippet’s shop called The Quilter’s Circle. Zara and Luke ask her about a Christmas quilt she is sewing. Mrs Snippet explains why textiles are treasured. The Bible lesson is about wicked king Ahaz who refused to ask God for a sign, so God gives His own. ‘Behold, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and she will name Him Immanuel.’ Children learn that if they choose to live for Jesus and obey Him no matter what, Jesus will return for them, the remnant. The Memory Verse is a cardboard crazy quilt cut into pieces they must assemble. (Isaiah 9:6) They play a game of Dizzy Circle. Use the free template to make a Christmas Patchwork star ornament.
Find ‘The Christmas Patchwork Quilt’ here:
Christmas, The Director’s Cut
This interactive play is not intended to replace your Christmas lesson but to supplement your Christmas program. It all takes place on a movie set. When I wrote it, the crew and narrator roles were played by teenage volunteers, but children made up the cast. The role of the Director was key to the comedy with a lot of adlibbing, bossily moving actors around and demanding more emotion using the script as a guide. Only the Narrator needs to read lines and can use the script. The costumes were sourced from home (e.g. dressing gowns) and the Kid’s Church costume cupboard. The makeup artist had to run after cast members who did not want to be powdered or spritzed. This play had the children in stitches!
Find ‘The Director’s Cut’ here:
Now, for the other New Releases!
This lesser-known Bible story is brought to life with a visit from a Clay Trencher, an expert in excavators and excavating. Children will learn to seek God’s will for their lives and then act on it! The ‘Toolbox Talk’ explains what they children need to do if they are faced with a difficult situation: look up and live! Excavate the sand pit for the Memory Verse (Psalm 116:1&2). Dig in to Morning Tea, and play a PPE Relay game before craft. I provide two ideas for craft that can be sourced on the internet.
Find ‘Dig!’ here:
Lessons about the Bible!
God’s Word is a Lamp:
Our Miraculous Bible:
A Bible Lesson that Warns Against the Occult!
A Dragon is NOT Your Friend:
It’s been a busy but satisfying end to the year. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve written some unusual lessons using the more obscure Bible stories, but I pray they help you in your Kid’s Ministry!