November 20, 2024

‘You Have My Heart’

I remember being part of a prayer meeting where Kid’s Pastors, leaders, and volunteers gathered to pray for an upcoming citywide event. While we cried out to God for His help, in my spirit, I heard Jesus say, ‘You have my heart.’  Jesus adores children, and I knew for certain that although we still had work to do, Jesus was one hundred per cent on board with our plans to reach the children in our area.

Jesus Blesses Little Children

In the Gospel of Matthew in Chapter 19 and Verses 13 through 15 little children were brought to Jesus that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven.”  And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.

Jesus wants to bless children and welcome them into the kingdom of heaven. In Luke’s account (Chapter 18, Verses 15 through 18), we learn that children are not only welcome members of God’s kingdom but also model citizens because of their capacity to love and trust. 

So when it comes to Kid’s Ministry I know Jesus will bless our efforts.


A friend reached out to me.  She and her husband were selling their house and moving into a new one.  She asked if I could present her last lesson of the year to her Year 3’s and Year 4’s Religious Instruction classes.  The lesson was ‘Christmas:  God’s promises fulfilled in Jesus.’ 

My friend sent me a copy of the children’s workbook, but the presentation was up to me as long as I followed the curriculum.  I remembered a lesson I’d written last November, ‘Christmas, God’s Big Plan’.  The following day my daily devotional read:  ‘The truth is, God doesn’t think like us.  He sees the BIG picture, and He works a specific end.’ I had my confirmation. 

I also needed the lesson to be memorable and allow the Holy Spirit to work. Whenever children heard, ‘What are your plans for Christmas?’ I wanted them to remember God’s BIG plan. I needed a hook, so I created a character.

Carol’s BIG Christmas Plan

Carol was a character BIG on Christmas.  She was super excited and hugely expressive.  Even her arm movements were over the top!  But I kept her costume simple.  I put on a red cap decked in green and red tinsel.  I carried a clipboard and a BIG pencil to make notes, and under my arm was a BIG plan rolled and tied up with a BIG red ribbon.  The plan was created on an old A2-sized engineering plan I covered in pictures, measurements, arrows and numbers, detailing my BIG plans for Christmas!  I had everything I needed for my character except the BIG pencil.  Was the pencil vital to the performance?  No.  But it was a small detail that would enhance the skit.  So I went to Vinnies.  On the arts and crafts trolley sitting alone in a white plastic tub, was a BIG pencil!  For $1.00 I purchased a pencil that was 33 centimetres long and 2.5 centimetres in diameter.  I nearly cried.  How much does Jesus love kids?  He loves them BIG time! 

Carol’s Script

Hello, my name is Carol and I have BIG plans for Christmas this year!

I mean BIG!


Hey, I can show you my BIG plans!

(Unroll the plan and attach it to the whiteboard using magnets)

Here’s the BIG plan…

Picture of a Christmas Tree:

I’m going to have a BIG Christmas Tree!

I mean BIG!

The biggest tree I can think of is the Christmas Tree in King George Square in Brisbane. 

You’ve seen it, right?

Now if I get that tree on Christmas Eve I should be fine.

They won’t need it anymore and I can get it back to them after Boxing Day.

So, I’ll borrow the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Tree.

Now, that’s BIG!

Oh, I’d better make a note…

(Write on clipboard)

Buy a chainsaw and a 3-axle rigid truck.

Picture of a Life-size Gingerbread Men:

I’m going to have gingerbread men decorating competition.

Not little, tiny, small gingerbread men.

Anybody can do that!

I’m going BIG.

I’m talking life-size gingerbread men to decorate!

I’m talking about one whole bag of Smarties just to make one button!

Oh, I’d better make a note…

(Write on clipboard)

Book a cement truck to bring icing.

Picture of Santa:

Gotta have Santa.

What’s a BIG way for Santa to arrive?

Jumping from a helicopter of course!

Santa can jump from the helicopter and land in the swimming pool!

You’ve got to admit that’s a BIG entrance.

I’ll ask my Dad to be Santa.

He’s 84 but he’ll be fine. 

He’s nice and round so he’ll float in the pool no worries.

I might move the trampoline next to the pool in case he misses it.

He’ll hold a BIG bag of presents.

Oh, I’d better make a note….

(Write on clipboard)

Buy waterproof Christmas wrapping paper for presents.


Christmas Lunch isn’t BIG enough!

It’s going to be a Christmas Banquet.

Ham, turkey, chicken, prawns.

You name it and we’ll eat it.

I’m going to need a chef. 

I could get (celebrity chefs’ names here).

It might be tricky getting hold of them.

Who here has a Mum or Dad who’s a great cook?

What’s their name?

Oh, I’d better make a note…

Kidnap…I mean borrow and don’t take no for an answer…

(Name of parent).

Don’t worry I’ll get her/him back to you in plenty of time…probably.

So, are my Christmas plans BIG or what?

You’ll never hear of a BIGGER plan than mine!

Christmas: God’s Big Plan

Then I removed the cap, put down the other props and launched into the Bible lesson.  You’ll find the lesson here:

My friend ended the lesson with question time, a song and prayers.  We taught five back-to-back lessons that day.  Around 100 children learned about God’s BIG plan to save us.  A promised plan.  They heard the Gospel! 

A BIG shout out to Religious Instruction teachers everywhere.  You do an amazing job that not everyone sees or appreciates.  But we know someone who sees and appreciates what you do.  And He is committed to your efforts for the little ones He loves.