Don’t Make Do and Mend this Easter!
To ‘fix’ means to repair or mend. To put something in good order or in good condition. I enjoy watching You Tube videos about cleaning, decluttering and organizing, and even lawn mowing! I find it satisfying to watch something put right. I am a sucker for a before and after picture.
That’s why my husband calls me ‘Little Miss Fix-It’. Sometimes it’s a term of endearment and sometimes it’s not. There is something in my nature that wants to put things right. But I inevitably get into trouble when I try to fix something that’s not my business to fix. Learning to tell the difference is getting easier as I get older and, finally, I’ve had the realization that I cannot fix everything anyway!
I was thinking about Jesus and how great He is at fixing things when I was struck by the realization I was wrong. Jesus is not some holy handyman. He does not make do and mend. We are not renovated. Jesus makes everything brand new!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!’
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
When we receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour a radical change takes place. It is a spiritual work. We are a new creation in Christ with new beginnings, a fresh start. We have a new relationship with God and can draw near to Him. We have a new identity and a new destiny! And we have a new power, the power of the Holy Spirit, who helps us live for Jesus.
The world offers all kinds of alternatives to Jesus, telling people they can ‘fix’ themselves if they would only do this or buy that, when what every human needs is to be made brand new in Christ Jesus. And it’s absolutely free thanks to the grace of God!
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Aren’t you glad we aren’t some old fixer upper? We have so much to thank Jesus for! Especially at Easter time when we focus on His death on the Cross and celebrate His resurrection! Here are some free resources for your Kid’s Ministry this Easter:
New Easter Videos on the Cooee Kid’s Ministry You Tube Channel
Chocolate in the Desert?
A video that explains the Passover to children and where it began. It links to the New Testament and Jesus being the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, then to the Lamb’s Book of Life, and how they can ensure their names are written in it!
You’ll find it here:
Who You Are Lyric Video
A praise song to get your kids excited about following Jesus because they know who He is: the risen Saviour, the way, truth and life, light in the darkness, and that His promises are true!
You’ll find it here:
The Great Rescue Lyric Video
Another great song about Jesus and how He came to seek and save the lost. He rescued us!
You’ll find it here:
Happy Easter and be blessed!