Finale First! A Christmas Play
I was asked to share at the Christmas breakup of the Heart to Heart Ladies group. I had previously spoken at their first meeting so I thought it was fitting I finished the year in a bookend fashion and accepted.
You can read about that first meeting and how I created the character of Mrs. Daisy Whoops
But what to talk about? I decided to share a testimony about a Christmas play I had been asked to write. The play where I had been given the finale first!
Our new Children’s pastor was a hip-hop dance teacher, and to introduce herself to the children she taught them a dance number. The dance was to the song ‘Shackles’ by Mary Mary. So the dance number had to be the finale to the children’s Christmas play. The costumes, borrowed from her dance school were dazzling red, gold and green sequined fabric. Oh yes, and the play had to include the Kindy Kids department, too. They had shepherd outfits made from sheets and tea towels. The play I wrote was called Break Every Chain. You can download it for free here:
The Play
A stable is stage right (representing the Nativity). There is a manger at the centre of the stable. Santa’s throne is stage left (representing a shopping centre). A wooden cross is upstage centre.
Mary and Joseph enter, Mary holding Baby Jesus. They go to the stable and stand behind the manger and gently place Jesus in it. Kindy Kids enter down the left aisle and take up positions in the stable stage right, gathering around Mary, Joseph and the manger.
Primary Kids enter down the right aisle and take up position around Santa’s throne stage left.
The Holy Spirit quietly walks in and takes position at the side of the Cross.
Santa walks in with his sack waving and calling to the audience and sits on his throne.
VOICE: It’s Christmas!
A time for celebration.
Or is it?
SHACKLED (Enters looking sad and forlorn)
GIRL: Help! Help!
Oh, who can help me?
(She sits down centre stage and sobs)
(Now looking at the audience)
My chains are so heavy…
I am so dirty…
Can’t anyone help me?
HOLY The Holy Spirit moves from the Cross to the Shackled Girl
SPIRIT: He bends down compassionately and helps her stand.
SHACKLED Who are you?
GIRL: Are you here to help me?
HOLY The Holy Spirit smiles reassuringly and leads the Shackled Girl to
SPIRIT: the Nativity Scene.
SHACKLED I’ve seen this scene before on a Christmas Card.
GIRL: It’s a Christmas from long, long ago.
Baby Jesus born in a stable.
HOLY The Holy Spirit helps the Shackled Girl to sit down.
SPIRIT: They watch together…
MUSIC: Kindy Kids sing Away in a Manger (Verses 1 & 2) with actions.
When the Kindy Kids have finished singing, they sit.
When the audience’s attention is on the Primary Kids, Mary must take Baby Jesus out of the manger and place Him out of sight.
HOLY The Holy Spirit helps the Shackled Girl to stand.
SPIRIT: The Primary Kids call Merry Christmas to one another.
They give each other high fives, and act very excited!
The noise from Santa’s throne turns the Shackled Girl’s head.
SHACKLED Oh that looks so colourful and sparkly!
GIRL: She walks away from the Holy Spirit, attracted to the Santa scene.
She sits and watches in wonder.
The Holy Spirit stays close by.
MUSIC: Primary Kids sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
SHACKLED Jumps up when the song is finished.
GIRL: She runs towards Santa and falls down in front of his throne.
HOLY The Holy Spirit reaches out after her,
SPIRIT: but her whole attention is on Santa, so He waits patiently.
SHACKLED Pleading with Santa.
GIRL: Surely YOU can help me?
You have taken over everything!
SANTA: Smiling joyfully at her
Merry Christmas!
SHACKLED Offering her chained hands to him.
GIRL: But can’t you do anything about these?
SANTA: Shrugs and rummages around in a sack.
He pulls out a big teddy bear and offers it to her.
SHACKLED The girl is dejected.
GIRL: Oh, no.
You are no help at all!
HOLY The Holy Spirit holds out His arms to the Shackled Girl.
SPIRIT: She notices Him again.
He appeals for her to come to Him, she nods and joins Him.
This is where my scriptwriting got stuck! The Kindy Kids have sung their item. The Primary Kids have sung, too. But how do I get the shackled girl to the Cross so she can be set free and the kids can do the big dance number? I remember sitting at the computer screen holding my head in my hands when the Holy Spirit said to my heart, ‘What happened to the baby?’
SHACKLED She stops suddenly and looks at the Holy Spirit.
GIRL: Hey!
What happened to BABY JESUS?
HOLY Using a sweeping arm gesture, the Holy Spirit shows her the Cross
SPIRIT: At that moment the Cross lights up
MUSIC: The Hallelujah Chorus
SHACKLED Faces the Cross.
GIRL: Lifts her hands to it.
She pulls her arms apart and the shackles are broken.
She shakes loose the shackles from her legs.
Slips off the coat of rags and beanie.
She is wearing a pure white dress.
HOLY Gives the girl a hug.
The audience went wild! People jumped to their feet and clapped, fist pumped and called out, ‘Yes!’ and ‘That’s right!’ The Hallelujah Chorus continued to play as the Primary Kids, the freed girl and the Holy Spirit moved centre stage to join the rest of the cast for the dance. Santa dejectedly left stage left.
MUSIC: Fade Hallelujah Chorus
Sing and or Dance: Shackles (Praise You)
The End
I was delighted to share the testimony with the Heart 2 Heart ladies. The Holy Spirit speaking to me to bring the script to the crucial point about why Jesus came is something I will never forget. But it was years ago and I wanted something for the ladies today. I prayed and Isaiah 46:9-10 dropped into my heart. ‘I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.’
God knows the end of every matter, of every course of circumstances, just as clearly as anyone else can see the beginning of it. The end of sin and death is when a virgin gives birth to a baby. We can have courage and confidence because God’s works and plans never fail. God’s purpose, design and will shall stand.
I think the morning was a success, although none of the ladies stood and fist-pumped. They did clap. I was blessed to recall what God did for me with the finale first script. And blessed to share with the ladies that we can rest when we fasten on the conviction that God has formed a plan that embraces all things. And He will do all that pleases Him.
Merry Christmas!