Journaling My Way to New Lessons – You Can, Too!
A diary was a popular Christmas gift when I was a school girl. It came sealed by an engraved lock, and had two tiny keys, which I invariably lost. It never mattered because despite a New Year’s resolution to keep up to date, my entry keeping didn’t last long. By January 5th I’d missed a day and mid-month there would be blank page after blank page. The diary was tossed under the bed out of sight. I loved to write stories but I wasn’t an introspective child. And with an annoying younger brother sneaking around I didn’t want anything put in writing.
However, in recent years I have kept a journal. It’s not the type of journal that is artistic in any way. You won’t find water colour illustrations or Washi tape in it. It’s not pretty or even tidy. It’s a lined A4 size hard cover book that tells the story of my everyday life. Bible study notes and scriptures, lesson ideas, reminders, prayers, and publishing dates for the Cooee Kid’s Ministry website, all crowned with coffee rings.
Each journal begins neatly but within days the handwriting is sprawling sideways up the page. You’ll see the odd illustration messily sketched so an idea is recorded before inspiration evaporates. I like to think that when I’m gone my children will pour over the journals and enjoy the essence of their mother captured between the pages but if I’m honest they’ll probably end up under the bed, too!
But I love my journals. And if I’m feeling nostalgic or I’m searching for inspiration for a new lesson, I enjoy sitting and flipping through the pages. It was a recent ‘delving into the diaries’ that led to writing two new Bible Lessons. The ideas for the lessons go back years but suddenly the Holy Spirit highlighted them. It always amazes me how He decides when it is time that a particular lesson should be written. I elbowed my husband twice in Church last Sunday because two members of the congregation shared on topics which were the same as the lessons I had just posted on the website. It’s encouraging when you’re on the same page as other Christians and realise the Holy Spirit is working with us all to minister to the body of Christ to get a particular message across. To grownups and to kids!
2 New Bible Lessons for Your Kid’s Ministry
Make Way!
Make Way is a lesson about John the Baptist. Historically, ‘Make way!’ was called out by those surrounding royalty to ensure their way was clear of obstacles and made easier. Even today people assigned to Prime Ministers, Presidents and Royalty will go ahead to ‘make way’ for their visit. John the Baptist had to make way or prepare the way for a VIP…Jesus! This lesson teaches children about repentance. Easy actions teach the Memory Verse from Acts 2:38. There’s a fun obstacle course race that involves making the way easier for royalty. There’s also some ideas for crafts about John the Baptist that you can find online.
The Resistance!
This lesson begins with explaining the WWII Resistance Movement and how people actively resisted the enemy. The Resistance used sabotage and espionage to hold out against tyranny because resistance is ACTIVE! Children learn they must resist if they don’t want to live under a tyrant called the devil. They use a code to find and learn the Memory Verse from James 4:7. There’s a spy relay race and that can be followed up with some nifty spy crafts.
Do you keep a diary or jot in a journal? It’s a wonderful way to record revelations you receive from God. You may not know when you’ll ever need them but you can be sure the Holy Spirit does and it will be at just the right time! Read how I use my journal to write lessons here:
God bless you,
Deb Wassenberg