2 Great Lessons to Dish Up to Your Kid’s Church!
As part of my morning devotions I was reading from the Book of Proverbs:
Smooth words may hide a wicked heart,
just as a pretty glaze covers a clay pot.
Proverbs 26:23
‘There is it again,’ I thought to myself, ‘another Bible verse about pots!’ I have had Scriptural references to pottery and crockery stacked up all over the place lately.
But I’m not thinking of taking up pottery as a hobby although I did enjoy working with clay when I was in school. And I remember visiting the creek that ringed our farm in Central Victoria and digging grey clay from its bank. I fashioned all sorts of pots and left them to dry on a rock. I checked on them the next day only to find they had all cracked in the sun. I’d had fun making the pots so I wasn’t too upset. It’s the same with these new lessons. I’ve enjoyed the process of writing a Bible lesson about clay pots rather than making them, and loved writing a lesson about washing dishes, rather than washing dishes (although there’s no avoiding that chore).
Two New Bible Lessons!
God is the Potter
A fun ‘clay day’ for your Kid’s Ministry that could also be used as part of a holiday program or in Kid’s Club. The lesson introduces a wonderful comic character named Candice (Candy) Bowles, proprietor of ‘Tottery Pottery’. (One of my best named characters yet and I can’t wait to play her one day!) Using footage of a potter at the wheel, or a special guest potter if you know someone, Candice teaches the children about wedging, centring and shaping. She explains that God is the Master Potter and He knows exactly what He is doing. No two pots, or vessels, are the same because He has uniquely handcrafted each one. Children learn that Jesus became a clay vessel when He came to the earth to die for the sins of the world. And that when they accept Jesus into their life they have ‘treasure in earthen vessels’. The Memory Verse is from Isaiah 64:8: Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. You write the words of the verse onto paper plates and pretend they are your best crockery. Hide the plates around the room and ask for the children’s help to find them. At Morning Tea serve biscuits because pottery that has been fired but not yet glazed is called ‘biscuit’ pottery! Play a game of Statues and then make Coil Pots for Craft. Clay is very inexpensive.
Visit: https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/God-is-the-Potter.pdf
Wash the Dishes
An unusual lesson but the Holy Spirit often gives me a different way of presenting teaching. As children arrive at Kid’s Church, leaders and volunteers take them by the hands and chant…
‘Wash the dishes, dry the dishes, turn the dishes over!’
This will surely arouse the children’s interest as to what the morning holds! They will receive a demonstration on dishwashing with actions mimed by a leader. Then they will be taught the Bible Story, ‘Jesus Confronts the Pharisees’ and learn that looking like you are doing the right thing is not enough. You must be clean on the inside. To be a vessel that contains God! Dina, the dishwasher from the local café, helps children learn the Memory Verse from 2 Timothy 2:21 If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honourable use, Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work. There’s a Cup Stacking challenge and Party Cups to make from paper cups that can be filled with good stuff!
Visit: https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Wash-the-Dishes.pdf
Bonus Sketch Script: Prosperity Pots!
Perfect for a Church Concert, this little skit requires only two characters and a minimal number of cheap props. The Head Deacon has concerns over new offering containers. Despite the his and the Pastor’s best efforts, the final pot chosen for the offering does not sit well with one particular parishioner! The two short acts can be performed between other acts and provide a chuckle.
Visit: https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/prosperity-pots/
So, don’t vessel-ate another second. (Sorry!) Try out these new free lessons today. And maybe have a crack at the comedy sketch for your next Church concert.
God bless you,
Deb Wassenberg