Sporty Lessons for Your Kid’s Ministry
I was not built for speed. As a child in primary school I remember my preparation for a particular Sport’s Day. A pair of new white running shoes. Surely this dazzling pair of new sporting shoes would equip me to gain that which had eluded me my entire school career so far. A ribbon.
It did not need to be a blue ribbon for first place or even red ribbon for second place. A green ribbon for third place would be perfectly respectable. This was the year. My new running shoes would carry me to glory.
That is, the shoes and the five practice sprints down my street from my gate to the corner. A neighbour passed by. ‘Getting ready, hey?’ he said with a smile. ‘Yes!’ I replied. New running shoes that shone like the sun and five practice sprints. This was my year.
I came last. One by one every classmate overtook me. I slowed to a walk and burst into tears, crushed by the realisation I was never going to place anywhere near third in any race. Oh, the humiliation. I wagged (Aussie slang for truanting) nearly every sport and swimming carnival for the next eight years.
I may not have the physical athleticism to win any kind of running race but thanks to Jesus I do have the discipline to run my spiritual one. I’ve written some stories with sporty themes. If you ask me they’re all winners!
Two Trim, Taut and Terrific Bible Lessons
Cross Country: Matthew Henry’s commentary reads, ‘Christians have a race to run, a race of service and a race of sufferings, a course of active and passive obedience.’ This lesson, taken from Hebrews 12, explains life’s race to your children and teaches them about the Heavenly awards ceremony to come! There’s a stepping stones Memory Verse and a mini cross country meet as a game. Make a flag or a victor’s crown for craft.
Cross Fit: People who train in Cross Fit use varied and challenging workouts to build, strengthen and condition their bodies. Every day the training can be different but the goal is to build a body that is capable of doing practically anything and everything. Children learn to be so surrendered to Jesus that they can do anting and everything He asks them to. This lesson includes a funny sketch to act out, the story of Peter and Jesus and the Way of the Cross and challenges children to make the decision to pick up their cross and follow Jesus. There’s a cross fit relay and ideas for ‘Cross’ themed crafts.
A Catchy Super Sunday
Throw It To Me: We’re all familiar with the Scripture in 1 Peter 5:7 ‘Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.’ ‘Casting’ is an energetic word. It means ‘to throw it away from you’. What a great lesson for children to learn about anxiety and worry. God says, ‘Throw it to Me!’ Begin the Fun Day with Ball Games then move on to the rest of the program that includes learning the Memory Verse using ping pong balls. Children make a Cup and Ball Game for craft.
I have come to terms with my lack of sporting prowess so I own a stunning pair of bright pink trainers and I walk!
God bless you!
Deb Wassenberg