Kingdom Matters: God’s Kingdom Kids!
If I were to pioneer a Kid’s Ministry tomorrow, and if the name of the Kid’s Ministry was my decision, I would call it ‘God’s Kingdom Kids’. I know, I know. It’s a bit old fashioned. That’s what everyone keeps telling me. But, oh what a Kingdom God’s Kingdom is!
For over a year my favourite portion of scripture has been Colossians 1:12-14:
“Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sin.”
I read and meditate on these verses daily so it’s no wonder they have become a kind of lens (my Kingdom spectacles) so that I clearly see more about God’s Kingdom every day.
I recently had a wonderful time using verses 13 and 14 to create a Memory Verse movie for Cooee Kid’s TV on You Tube.
Memory Verse video:
I believe children need to know they are invited to enter God’s Kingdom through Jesus Christ, His Son. I believe children need to understand they belong to God and His kingdom. They need to learn about His kingdom and the rights, privileges, power and authority that are theirs once they are a part of it. They need to understand they are in this world but not of it. I believe children need to be strong in what they believe and know how to stand for that belief and to defend the faith (1 Peter 3:15) Because if we don’t establish them at a young age, now more than ever, the onslaught from the world could rob them of their destiny, or at least hinder or delay it, at great cost to themselves and us. I believe children need to understand there is an awesome kingdom to come! Revelation 11:15 …the kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.’
Cooee Kid’s Ministry Website Changes
Because I have become so passionate about ‘Kingdom’ matters I have made some changes to the Cooee Kid’s Ministry website, creating a new heading: God’s Kingdom Kids. I’ve reloaded old lessons so they can be found under the new heading (whilst still maintaining their original placement under other headings so no links are lost) but I’ve recently loaded new content I am excited to share with you!
God’s Kingdom Kids:
Walk Worthy of the Lord
A lesson based on Colossians 1:9-14 that talks about ‘walking worthy of the Lord’. Using the analogy of a boy’s journey from Page to Squire to Knighthood, the lesson explores the four characteristics necessary to be set apart for God and walk in a way that is pleasing to Him.
The lesson also includes a Memory Verse from Ephesians 2:10 where the children learn the verse by standing in footprints with the words of the verse on them.
This is the first in many new lessons I hope to write soon. (I had to invest a great deal of time in learning how to use editing software for Cooee Kid’s Ministry TV, the new You Tube channel.)
You’ll find the Bible Lesson here:
There are so many wonderful kingdom themed crafts for children to make. Instead of adding them to the end of each lesson I have added them as standalone PDF’s. This means more flexibility because teachers and volunteers can match any craft to any lesson, and find each craft easily.
Create a Coat of Arms
Jesus is King Banner
Again, I hope to add many more crafts soon. Big thanks to my husband who uses his AutoCAD skills in creating copyright free templates for you to use.
I’ve complied ‘Royal Games’ 1 and 2 so far. Games that have a kingdom theme from Stuck in the Muddy Moat to the more elaborate Arrow Chase.
Royal Games:
Royal Games 2:
I truly hope you enjoy ‘God’s Kingdom Kids’ content, and find it useful in your own Kid’s Ministry, no matter what it’s called!
God bless you,
Deb Wassenberg