Kingdom Minded – introducing Kids to the Kingdom of God
As a school girl I remember singing ‘God Save the Queen’ at assembly. We would turn to the flag and pledge our allegiance to our country and our monarch. The Australian anthem was changed in 1977 to Advance Australia Fair, but as a Commonwealth country, we still understand the concept of kingdom, how a kingdom operates, and the duty that accompanies the privilege. Lately, I have become more Kingdom minded. Nothing to do with a wedding or the latest heir. I’ve been thinking about God’s everlasting kingdom. A kingdom established on the earth because He reigns in the hearts of His people. God’s kingdom was the inspiration for my latest lesson.
God’s New Kingdom!
God’s New Kingdom explains how His kingdom came to live inside of us. The Bible story introduces Lucifer and his fall from heaven and how, as Satan, he deceived Adam and Eve into disobeying God. God’s new kingdom would now be in the hearts and lives of people who would submit to His authority and the only way into the kingdom would be through His Son Jesus Christ. The Memory Verse (from Colossians 1:13 & 14) is introduced by a kingdom messenger named Henry of Chipping Teapot. The scroll he carries is in code and must be deciphered. There’s a game of Stuck in the Tower, and a colouring sheet with the Memory Verse to colour and decorate.
Other Kingdom Lessons:
Jesus is King!
This lesson teaches children about their legal right to have dominion over Satan. You’ll see photographs of a castle I made from cardboard cartons which I hope inspires you to create your own in your Kid’s Church room. The lesson also has some great ideas for embellishing your program using a fanfare and a Town Crier’s proclamation. There is a Memory Verse Quest to recover the words (from Philippians 2:9-11) and a game of Kingpin. Create a royal banners and hang them around the room.
Off Target!
A sketch titled ‘The Redemption of the Golden Arrow’ demonstrates what redemption is when Lady Paramount must buy back a golden arrow that belonged to her. It costs her everything to do it. The Memory Verse is from Romans 3:23 and requires some fun with a toy archery set. Children will know how easy it is to ‘miss the mark’. Play a game of Arrow Chase and craft an arrow pencil to take home.
God’s Kingdom: How Do I Get In?
This lesson will give you all the tips for setting up themed curriculum over as many weeks as you choose. Activities include the ‘Tournament Review’ or how to form houses for games. How tournaments, buglers, jousts and melees can be used every week. Prize giving and banquet ideas. A Cannon Ball Throw to learn the Memory Verse! There’s the Bible story about Nicodemus meeting Jesus in the night. The lesson ends with lots of ideas for kingdom crafts.
Who is On the Throne?
Children belonging to God’s Kingdom learn to let God rule on the throne of their heart. The Bible lesson is The Rich Young Ruler. There’s a Memory Verse Relay to get the heart pumping! (Ezekiel 36:26) Play the outdoor game ‘Capture the Throne’, and there’s craft suggestions on making a throne from paper or paddle pop sticks!
A Banner Day!
The children make a banner as a warm up to a program that reaches kids about Jehovah-Nissi, God our Banner. God is someone worth getting excited about! The Bible story of the Amalekites Defeat will teach kids no matter the battle they are going through they must rally around God. His banner is a guarantee of victory! Psalm 20:5 says ‘May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banner in the name of our God.’ Children hunt for the bunting flags to assemble the verse and then declare it. Create individual banners and then celebrate with songs of praise. Play a game of Capture the Flag to end your lesson.
Ambassadors for Jesus!
Children can represent Jesus and influence those around them. Children will learn the rights of citizenship and what an ambassador does. The Bible lesson is taken from Acts 17 when Paul was in Athens. Set up temporary embassies using travel guides to gain parts of the Memory Verse from all around the world. Play a game of Nations and make a Kingdom flag. End the program with a banquet of different foods from around the world.
Ready or Not Here I Come!
King Jesus is going to return. The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids explains to the children that no matter what happens in their life they must be prepared and the lesson gives them the keys to do that. Play a game of Hiders and Seekers to find the Memory Verse. There’s two games: Duck, Duck, Goose or Captain Midnight. There’s ideas for lanterns to make, too.