October 3, 2019

September’s New Releases at Cooee Kid’s Ministry

Here’s the new lessons that were posted on the Cooee Kid’s Ministry website for the month of September.  Make sure you check them out for your Kid’s Ministry.  We think you and your kids will love them.

Heart Soil:  A Strawback and Crow short story.

Strawback the Scarecrow and his friend Crow are back in their second short story titled Heart Soil.  From the middle of the strawberry patch Strawback shares the story he overheard Mrs. Farmer telling her children.  A story Jesus told about seed scattered on all types of soil.  Crow declares she will only eat snails from now on!  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Heart-Soil.pdf

Pour Out Your Heart:  A Preschool lesson about Hannah.

Start the morning in the Preschool room with Pouring Stations so the children can use all types of containers to pour water.  Use easy-to-make puppets from bottles and jugs to tell the story of Hannah, so children can see how they can ‘pour out your heart before God’ when they are sad or upset.  He will fill them with His love.  Make a pouring teapot or tipping truck at craft time. https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Pour-Out-Your-Heart.pdf

Don’t Run on Empty:  A Super Sunday

In Ephesians 5:18b, we are told to ‘keep on being filled with the Spirit.’  The children will learn that all their lives there will be a continuous process of receiving from the Holy Spirit, and giving to others around them.  It’s called living a Spirit-filled life.  For this SUPER Sunday make a race track circuit obstacle course, play a game of ‘Bogged’ or Traffic Lights.  Children make their own license plate and there’s a Lollipop Lady who hands out…lollipops!  https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Dont-Run-on-Empty.pdf

Save the City!  Part 1

A Bible lesson for upper primary aged children, explaining the need for Christians to intercede for their city and those in authority, as well asking for God’s blessing and prosperity. The Bible stories are Sodom and Gomorrah and Jesus sending out the seventy.   To engage the children, paint a city mural, play a game of ‘Save the City’ and create a cardboard tube skyscraper. https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Save-the-City-1.pdf

Save the City!  Part 2

The city series continues with the story of Jonah and the city of Nineveh.  God loves people and He will do anything He can to save them, even if they’re people we don’t approve of.  Children will also learn Jesus talked about Jonah and likened his time in the big fish to His own ‘3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.’  There’s a city mural to complete, a game of Sharks and Minnows and a Jonah peg craft. https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Save-the-City-2.pdf

Five new and exciting lessons for your Kid’s Ministry.  Check them out today!