January 4, 2019
Six Storytelling Tips
Storytelling takes printed words from a page and brings them to life! Storytelling helps children interpret events beyond their immediate experience making it a vital skill when explaining Bible stories to the children in your Kid’s Ministry. Perfect your storytelling and your kid’s will give you their full attention.
Tip 1
Take the story as close to the children as possible.
Tip 2
Keep it brief and simple.
Tip 3
In a mixed age audience aim your story at the youngest children.
Tip 4
Maintain eye contact, moving your gaze around the children.
Tip 5
Use the key elements of storytelling:
- Know your story
- Know your audience
- Match the two when possible
- Be flexible
- Practice
Tip 6
Use your Storytellers Toolbox:
- Voice
- Body
- Face
- Imagination
- Enthusiasm