August 15, 2019

Song Leading in Your Kid’s Ministry

Kid’s love music and movement.  Well-chosen Christian songs will reinforce your message and get God’s Word and principles into their minds and hearts.  Praise and worship gives them the opportunity and freedom to sing and dance to the Lord.   And what a great alternative to secular music.

‘Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies.’  Psalm 8:2

How to Choose a Song

  • Make sure the song you choose is age appropriate (big kids do not want to sing baby songs but little kids love to keep up with the older kids and it may surprise you how well they remember lyrics and actions).
  • While it can be fun to sing old favourites, keep up to date with new releases.
  • Choose songs that will reinforce the series or theme you are teaching.
  • Is there a lyric video you can use?
  • Are there actions or steps the children can follow? Make them intentional not distracting.
  • Understand the purpose of each chosen song. Is the song to get the kids warmed up or is it for praise or worship?
  • Never choose all new songs. Kid’s need time to listen and learn actions for new songs, so add only one new song each series or theme.

Tips for Song Leading

  • Clear a space so the children have room to move.
  • Use a microphone and sound system so you can lead no matter the distraction.
  • Consider a light on a dimmer so the screened lyrics are bright and clear.
  • Don’t discipline from the front. Keep your focus and let your volunteers deal with behaviour.
  • Always start on time (you can do a countdown from 3 minutes to add excitement).
  • Keep your talking to a minimum. You want to create a flow so no rambling.
  • Keep in mind your relationship with your kids ‘off stage’ will impact how they respond to you while you’re leading.
  • Make eye contact with the kids, it encourages them to sing.
  • Be organised and prepared.
  • Appoint a leader to run the computer for you and make sure they have a ‘run sheet’ so they know what’s next.
  • If you’re not a singer, enthusiasm can take you a long way, but you might like to create a youth or upper primary team who will sing and do the actions for you. If you have a Kid’s Church band you are blessed!
  • Enjoy yourself. Joy, freedom and passion for Jesus are contagious.

The song choices you make will motivate kids to learn Biblical truth in an exciting and relevant way.  When you song lead you are setting a foundation for kids to love praise and worship all their lives.  Selah.