January 17, 2020

How to Celebrate Australia Day in Kid’s Church

G’day!  Kid’s love celebrating Australia Day in Kid’s Church.  It’s bonza! I’ve always found it a popular celebration as the children know this is the last hurrah before the seriousness of a new school year kicks off.


Australia Day is a public holiday celebrated annually to celebrate all things Aussie.  The National Australia Day Council (NADC) organises lots of events, awards and ceremonies.  Most Aussies celebrate by getting together, usually at a BBQ, and end the day watching fireworks at a city venue or on the telly.

Ripper Games:

  • Thong toss

Who can throw a thong the furthest?

  • Great Australian Bite

Give a group of children an Arnott’s Milk Arrowroot biscuit.  Who can best nibble the biscuit into the shape of mainland Australia in the time allotted?

  • The Chocolate Game

Place a block of chocolate on a plate with a knife and fork. Sit the children in a circle around the chocolate.  Everyone gets a roll of the dice.  The child who rolls a six uses the knife and fork to cut one square of chocolate to eat completely before cutting another square.  Until another child rolls a six and they take over.  You can add some Aussie style clothes and footwear to be worn before cutting is allowed, simple items like an apron, hat and thongs.

  • Bushman’s Challenge

An obstacle course or relay race made up of any Aussie bush tasks you can think of:

  • Carrying water from one place to another in a billycan
  • Stepping stones (to avoid the crocodiles)
  • Kangaroo hop in a sleeping bag
  • Pegging clothes to a rope clothesline
  • Eating a witchetty grub (Allen’s snake or sour worm lollies)
  • Fly swatting ping pong balls into a tub


Jesus Hokey Pokey

Ideas for the Tucker Box:


Arnott’s Tim Tams

Meat pies and tomato sauce

Cadbury Caramello Koalas


  1. What’s a crocodile’s favourite game? (Snap!)
  2. What’s small, furry and blue? (A koala holding its breath!)
  3. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?  (A stick!)
  4. Why did the emu cross the road? (To prove she wasn’t chicken!)
  5. Why did the dingo cross the road twice? (To prove he was a double-crosser!)
  6. What’s a koala’s favourite drink? (Coca Koala!)
  7. What do you get it you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? (A woolly jumper!)
  8. What animal can jump higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge? (All animals because bridges can’t jump!)
  9. Why do kangaroo mums hate bad weather? (Because their joeys have to play inside!)
  10. What do you call a lazy joey?  (A pouch potato!)

Story Idea:  Spindles

I highly recommend the Spindle’s stories written by Barry Chant, with beautiful black and white illustrations by Lorraine Lewitzka.  The Spindles books are available at Koorong stores or online.  https://www.barrychant.com/bookstore/the-spindles-series/

Before reading aloud, acquaint yourself with the story, be dramatic using sound effects, facial expression, and changes in tone.  The animal characters are funny and engaging so have fun with them!  For more tips read my Blog 3 Steps to Successfully Reading Aloud to Your Kids.   https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/3-steps-to-successfully-reading-aloud-to-your-kids-church-kids/

Here are a just a few of the titles I have used. 

  • Spindles of the Dusty Ranges
  • Spindles and the Eagles
  • Spindles and the Wombat


  • Dot Painting a Boomerang

Photocopy the boomerang template onto white card

Add the scripture:  Joel 2:13 Come back to the LORD your God, because He is king and shows mercy.

Provide paints in earthy tones, and use cotton sticks to apply dot patterns

  • Decorate a Sun Visor

Use Google images to find a template for a sun visor

Photocopy onto white cardboard

Use felt pens and Aussie animal stickers and flags to decorate

For more ideas check out:  Ten Things in My Australia Day Box https://cooeekidsministry.com.au/ten-things-in-my-australia-day-box/

Have a ripper, bonza, beauty Australia Day!